We are multifaceted beings that wear multiple hats. We have endless to-do lists and live in a fast paced world that celebrates always being busy. From work to our families and households, we are always working on a variety of things.
Keeping up with the day to day of our lives is tedious enough and it is easy to loose track of our participation in activities that fill our cup and spark the fire inside of us. I am constantly working on making time for tasks I wish to accomplish. Often, I reflect on what I need to feel full. I love to read, dive into a good book, and experience another world that is not my own. I also love to write and pour my thoughts onto paper (or the screen for better accuracy). I love to connect with people and have conversations about life and the amazing and endless things we can all do. All of these things make me excited to experience life.
As I reflect and work on reincorporating my pre-baby activities, I am reminded that it is a challenging journey. It often feels overwhelming, there is never enough time, and I am usually exhausted. Society has high standards for moms to do it all and to be honest, I have embraced those too.
However, I am learning to find balance. I understand my baby needs the best version of me. Our children need us to be powerful mujeres that are able to protect, provide, be fierce, be tender, and independent. As we work on our homes, our full time employment, and being what others need, I invite you to ask yourself the same questions I ask myself…
- What you are doing to nurture your soul?
- What do you need to live your life in purpose?
- What do you want your life to be?
All it takes is one step forward. Maybe today, you send that email and in a few days, you make the call. What we need to remember is that by making time for our own goals, by taking care of our own wants and needs, we are living the life many did not. Culturally and historically, our Mujeres are expected to service everyone else but themselves. We didn’t belong at the tables, we didn’t make decisions, our perspectives were not welcomed. Now, Mujeres now are turning the table. We are at those spaces, we are asking the questions, we are not only voicing what we envision, but we are making movements and taking steps that take us closer to the life we want to live. One key factor here is that no one else will do this for us. We are taking charge of our lives and being the fiercely tender humans we are to be. We are embracing our multiple hat switches because that is a beauty and a luxury that reflects how talented we are and the diversity of spaces in which we belong.
I am not on any one else’s timeline but my own. I am excited to live life.