Don’t let them fool you.

In a time that is very emotionally heavy, filled with uncertainties;

that activate our trauma while simultaneously creating new ones,

where grocery shopping or going to school can mean potentially not making it back home.

Where little brown bodies are “threatening” and hard working men are “dangerous”.

When others are trying to separate our families and make us feel unwanted.

Where ignorance makes them not follow their own protocol.

Let us be reminded that we belong here. Every one of us.

Let us be assured…

We are loved.  We belong here.

We deserve peace and to live a life where we can gather and navigate through society without the fear of being wrongly detained or arrested.

We have human rights and there are government leaders and community leaders/members that fight for us, to ensure our fundamental rights are honored.

Our babies are entitled to an education where status is not a factor. They deserve to go to school and be children and learn.

Como mujeres somos las jefas de nuestro cuerpo, de tener cipotes o no; depende de lo que queramos. Por que un hombre no va a venir a decirme que hacer con mi utero, con mi cuerpo o si tengo derecho a lactar de manera adequada.

DEI or anything by POC (people of color) or WOC (women of color), is something they can’t wrap their head around because they know we are powerful. Unstoppable.

We are resistant. Fierce.

We have individuals who are rising to take care of each other and those around us.

We are not fighting this fight alone.

Nuestra piel morenita es preciosa.

Nuestro español abre las puertas del mundo.

People pay to have our skin tone. People pay for our Spanish services in translations/interpretations.

We are fundamental to our community’s well-being. That of our country. We make our country what it is.

Don’t let them fool you. We know our rights. We know what we are worth.

Sabemos lo que aportamos y de lo qué somos dignos.

This will not last for ever. We are here to stay. To learn and grow and to make sure we thrive together, as one.

Vamos con todo.

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